The 383 Installed

The 383 is now in place! Now the transmission, driveshaft, hydraulic lines for the clutch, and all of the systems can be connected. It turns out that the Airflow Research aluminum heads do not allow the use of the stock "rams horn" exhaust manifolds. The manner in which the heads were cast hits the back of the manifold collector. It would take some butchering of the manifolds to make them fit. A spacer to bring the manifolds out from the heads cannot be used since the rear of the exhaust manifolds only have a quarter of an inch gap from where the engine is nestled.

Custom headers are required. (Oh, darn!!!) It will be costly, but is for the best. The headers cannot be built until mid Febuary, therefore, I have a lot of time to get all systems hooked up and tested. I can't wait to start the engine.

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